Local News

Construction Safety Summit Open To DIYers

BEND, OR -- Construction workers from across the region will gather at the Riverhouse in Bend, next week, for their annual safety summit. Lindsey Wenick, with the Central Oregon Safety and Health Association, says it’s important training for workers, but it also helps Construction companies bypass certain inspections. "If they have four hours of training, they have a safety committee, they’ve had no accidents it’s telling Oregon OSHA in a roundabout way, that these are very proactive employers."


The two-day conference also offers information for the average do-it-yourselfer. Wenick says a common – and dangerous – mistake he sees homeowners make involves placing the ladder when climbing up on a roof, "Fourteen or 18-foot extension ladder and they throw it up against an eave. They don’t make sure they’ve dug down to have a good base, it’s not at the right angle and they don’t have it three rungs above so when they get at the top of the eave, that’s where the ladder stops. So, now they’re trying to grab the roof or vent or wherever to get on up."
The 16th annual COSHA Safety Summit is Monday and Tuesday, January 30 and 31. Register online, and learn more at COSHA's website. Listen to our full conversation with Lindsey Wenick at our Podcast Page, or click HERE

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