Local News

Bend Gateway North Master Plan Advances

BEND, OR -- A new master plan is moving forward for the north end of Bend; it's a big step in the eventual relocation of Costco near Highway 20 and Cooley Road. Mayor-Elect Melanie Kebler says the City Council approved what’s being called “Gateway North” after the developer brought the parking plan in line with city code. "The developers had done a more specific study and brought us some different data, and they themselves said, ‘Hey, here’s what we need. We can reduce this down and we actually don’t need that many. And, especially if we try to put in some of the other things that allow people in the neighborhood to have a bike share’ and to have some of the other mitigation that we were looking for, that made sense and that was a plan that they could get behind." Kebler tells KBND News, "They were going to add back some of the bike parking we thought was missing, they’re going to reduce the amount of parking they needed, and they were also going to do some things like adding some trees, some stormwater mitigation and also a little mobility hub for that whole area; because there will be some housing and other things, not just a Costco."

The Gateway North Master Plan also includes 422 housing units, mostly for senior living and multi-family. Kebler admits the entire project is still years from the start of construction.

Some have criticized the city’s desire to reduce parking availability for such a popular store. But the latest plans submitted appear to include more spots than at the existing Bend location at the Forum Shopping Center. And Kebler says it’s important to balance space for other needs, "There’s a lot of activity happening in that part of town. I think we’re going to see some other neighborhoods coming in as well. But I’m pleased to see it’s not just one type of development, but that they’ve mixed together housing and commercial, which is I think what we need more of."


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