Local News

Paulina Could Get A Small Library

PAULINA, OR -- Paulina could soon have its own library branch. Crook County Library Director Sarah Beeler believes she’s found the perfect location next door to Paulina School. "There is an unused parcel where the school bus is parked that is owned by Crook County," she told Commissioners Wednesday. The triangular lot used to be for the county road department and, at one time had a house on it. But the building was moved off-site and those services shifted to Prineville years ago.

Beeler says the proposed library (pictured above) would be, "About 730 square feet and it is this cute little building where people would be able to use it as a meeting space and we’d have library resources there." She says the area doesn't currently have a good place for the community to gather, "The Post Grange is in a state of disrepair; currently for sale. The store is currently not a viable community option and the Pau Mau Club is for large gatherings and it takes a couple of days to heat that up to make it comfortable for people. So, a small community gathering space - we felt that out in Paulina, they could use that kind of community bonding space."

The vacant lot is across the street from property owned by County Commissioner Susan Hermreck who told Beeler Wednesday, "I think it’s wonderful that you have not forgot about us out there. This, I think, would be wonderful, it would be an asset, it would look very nice, it’s next to the school; people picking up their children could use it. I fully encourage you."

Beeler noted, "I don’t think it would cost terribly much, but then I might be surprised, to build a small branch there. And that would be done through grants and donations."

Commissioners agreed to allow Beeler to enter into conversations with the Road Department and school about the property. The unincorporated community of Paulina is home to fewer than 100 full-time residents.


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