Local News

Free Help with Wills for Veterans and First Responders in Prineville This Friday

The Jefferson and Crook County Bar Association is hosting the first "Wills for Heroes" event in Prineville.


Local attorney Fred Schroder will be offering his legal expertise to help people who give so much to the community.


"There's a need.  Everyone whether they be in law enforcement or the general population, when I talk to them them are positive about supporting this.  It's finding out out how can I help, how can I get the word out."


The "Wills for Heroes" event will be at the Stahancyk, Kent and Hook law firm in Prineville on Friday from 10 A.M. until 4 P.M.


No RSVP is required.  The free help will be ona first come, first served basis.  Participants are asked to download and complete an estate planning questionnaire before they arrive.


You can get it at www.centraloregonestateplanning.com

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