Regional News

Pets At Risk As Weather Warms

PORTLAND, OR-- This weekend’s warm weather is a welcomed shift for us humans, but our pets may not be as excited for summer.  

"People might be thinking, ‘oh my gosh. I can’t wait to get outside. I’m going to take my dog out for a long hike; it’s gonna be amazing’," says the Oregon Humane Society's Laura Klink, "But, it’s going to be kind of shocking to the system." She says our pets are not yet accustomed to the heat and they may not be ready for intense outdoor exercise.

There are also other hazards to consider, pavement can burn paws, especially later in the day, and a hot car can be deadly, "A car can heat up really quickly. Even if it feels comfortable outside, like maybe low to mid-70s, the inside of a car can quickly get over 100 degrees. And that’s even with the window cracked a little bit." Klink adds, "When in doubt, just leave your pet at home with a nice comfy bed and a chewy toy. Safest bet is to always just leave them home in the cool inside temperatures."

Signs your pet is struggling with the heat include excessive panting and lethargy.

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