Local News

"Freedom from Religion" Participates in Prineville's Nativity Scene

The Christmas scene has been up since early December, but "Freedom from Religion" just put up their banner this week espousing their views.


Bob Orlando has put up the city's nativity display for the last couple years.  "It says something like the Winter Solstice. There are no Gods, no devils.  You know it's not the kind of display I'd like,  but they're welcome to their opinion."


Patrick Elliott with "Freedom from Religion" in Wisconsin says the first amendment protects their voices too.  "We think it's appropriate to participate in the nativity scene which is not representative of all residents and express the view for some people and we can actually be a a part of it."


Orlando says a lot of people have called him to complain about the banner, but feels there's not much hhey can do.  They have a right to be there too.

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